Struggling to find time to get everything done in your business?

Meet My Virtual-Assistant

Your dedicated partner in managing tasks, providing efficiency, and giving you back the time you deserve.

We handle everything from recruiting, monitoring, onboarding, and training your virtual assistant.

We monitor your virtual assistant's performance to oversee their work and communication, so that it meets your standards.

If for any reason your virtual assistant is not the right fit, we’ll find you a replacement at no additional cost.

Who Hires A Virtual Assistant?





Travel Agents



Event Planners


Here’s What A Virtual Assistants Can Help You With:

Our Seamless 3-Step Process

We understand the value of efficiency and precision when it comes to hiring and onboarding Virtual Assistants (VAs). Our streamlined 3-step process ensures a quick and hassle-free experience.

Pre-Qualifying Candidates

Our commitment to delivering top-notch virtual assistance begins with a rigorous pre-qualification process. We carefully assess each candidate's skills, experience, and compatibility with your business needs.

  • Our hiring process starts with a detailed application review and initial interview to evaluate communication skills and cultural fit. Shortlisted candidates proceed to a final interview, assessing expertise and alignment with company values. Successful candidates undergo training to familiarize themselves with company processes.

  • We carefully analyzes the skills and experiences of our VAs, aligning them with the specific demands of your business. This involves a comprehensive evaluation to guarantee that the VAs we present to you possess not only the technical proficiency but also the contextual understanding necessary to seamlessly integrate into your work environment.

  • Once we've identified potential matches based on the pre-qualification criteria, we promptly compile curated portfolios. These portfolios provide you with a detailed and insightful glimpse into the backgrounds, expertise, and achievements of the selected VAs. We believe in empowering you with the information needed to make informed decisions.

Interview with a VA

Once you've reviewed the portfolios and identified potential matches, it's time for the VA interview. We facilitate a smooth process where you can engage in interviews with your chosen VAs.

  • After carefully reviewing the portfolios and identifying potential matches, we prioritize a seamless and engaging VA interview process. This step is not just about assessing skills; it's an opportunity for you to interact and gauge the compatibility and communication style of your potential team members.

  • Our interview process is personalized to suit your preferences. Whether you prefer one-on-one interviews, panel discussions, or a mix of both, we accommodate your needs.

  • Following the interview, we transition to presenting the contract details. We understand the importance of clarity in the working relationship, so our team ensures that all terms, expectations, and deliverables are clearly outlined in the contract.

  • Our ultimate goal is to ensure the satisfaction of both parties involved. Once all aspects of the contract have been thoroughly discussed and the client is content, the contract is signed, which marks the beginning of a fruitful partnership.


Congratulations on selecting your ideal VA! The final step is the onboarding process, where you get to meet your new team member. This step not only ensures a seamless integration but also marks the official welcome of your new team member.

  • The onboarding journey begins with an introduction between the client and the newly hired VA.

  • During this interview, we assess their communication skills, professionalism, and overall suitability for the role. We delve into their past experiences and explore how their skills align with the specific needs of your business.

  • While you take charge of the onboarding process, rest assured that we are here to offer support every step of the way. Our team is available to address any questions or concerns that may arise during the initial phases of collaboration.

  • To further solidify the success of the partnership, we conduct monthly check-ups with you. This is an opportunity to discuss your satisfaction with the VA's performance, address any evolving needs, and make any necessary adjustments to optimize the collaboration.

Ready to discover the perfect Virtual Assistant for you? Explore our range of plans and packages tailored to meet your needs.

Why Choose Our Virtual Assistant Services?

Cost-Effective Solutions

Flexible Packages

Skilled Professionals

Time Saving

Hire a full-time Virtual Assistant for as low as $9 per hour!

Our Virtual Assistant Services are designed to provide you with dedicated support at an unbeatable rate. Your success is our priority – let us be your productive partner!